Night Hunting

From Freezing Cold in the Lab to Practical Tests on the Hunt

An interview about the extensive quality control tests ZEISS thermal imaging cameras undergo and why the laboratory has to be relocated to the forest from time to time.

Night Hunting,About Us
5 min

How to have a successful wild boar hunt – Guaranteed!

For a successful hunt, in addition to right equipment, one thing is particularly important: understanding the behavior of the boars and sows. Learn more.

4 min

FAQs about ZEISS DTI 6/20 and 6/40

The newly developed ZEISS DTI 6 sets new standards in thermal imaging technology, making even more details visible. Here you can find out everything you need to know about the ZEISS DTI 6 – from A for Automatic Standby to Z for ZSIP.

Night Hunting
14 min

Superior Image Quality thanks to ZEISS ZSIP Pro

An interview on the image formation process in thermal imaging cameras and how the ZEISS DTI 6’s ZSIP Pro sets new standards in detail recognition.

Night Hunting
5 min

ZEISS DTI 6 – the new high-end thermal imaging camera for precise detail recognition

The new ZEISS DTI 6 thermal imaging camera sets new standards and, thanks to its exceptional image quality, offers unique detail recognition even under the most diverse lighting conditions for more reliable identification during the hunt.

Night Hunting
3 min

Thermal Imaging Cameras from ZEISS for Night Hunting

With the introduction of the first ZEISS thermal imaging camera, the ZEISS DTI 3/35, the pioneer in the field of optics has created yet another technical masterpiece. This is where expertise and knowledge from two different areas of the company come together.

Night Hunting,About Us
4 min

Twilight factor

The twilight factor is often referred to as a comparative value for the suitability of binoculars when less light is available. Learn more.

Tech Know-How,Night Hunting
2 min

ZEISS DTI 3/35 in Use

Passionate hunter Adam Szuster spends at 2-3 days a week out in the fields. Here he shares his experience with the ZEISS DTI 3/35 thermal imaging camera.

Night Hunting
4 min

Even brighter thanks to Schott HT glass

Riflescopes or binoculars using Schott HT glass have one decisive advantage: They are simply “brighter” and therefore ideal when used in the darkness.

Night Hunting,Tech Know-How
1 min

Unsurpassed Hunting Accuracy

lluminated dot reticles help hunters quickly acquire targets and increase contrast in the dark. ZEISS holds the record for the finest dot in the world.

2 min