Do You Still Need Binoculars as a Hunter, or Can You Rely Solely on Thermal Devices?
As technology continues to advance, many hunters are faced with the question: “Do I still need a pair of binoculars, or can I rely solely on thermal devices?” While thermal imaging has revolutionized the way we observe wildlife, especially in low-light conditions, the answer is a resounding yes—hunters, particularly beginners, still need a good pair
Tips for deer hunting during rutting season
Hunting during the rutting season often evokes two things in most hunters: questions and curiosity. If you’ve read up on the subject in relevant books, you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that there are many different opinions.
How to have a successful wild boar hunt – Guaranteed!
For a successful hunt, in addition to right equipment, one thing is particularly important: understanding the behavior of the boars and sows. Learn more.
Saving Wild Animals via Thermal Imaging Drone
Wildlife-Friendly Meadow Mowing – Protecting Wild Animals from the first mowing of the fields via Thermal Imaging Drone.
Large eyebox for comfortable observation
The “eyebox” is the area around the line of sight in which you can see the entire picture in full. With ZEISS rifle scopes, it is particularly large.
Introducing: Cupo Libre
ZEISS Ambassador Pilar Escribano Reina’s passion for hunting comes from a family tradition. Her blog Cupo Libre introduces hunting to interested people.
Hunting Dog Utility
In Germany, the law stipulates that only suitable dogs can be used for hunting. The dog’s utility must be ascertained and documented in standardized tests.
Falconry: The Masters of the Sky
Sandra Jung is the youngest falconer in Germany. In this interview, she shares what we can learn from wild animals in her book, The Masters of Sky and Me.
About Hounds Part 3: Puppy Love
Owning a dog in the city, you find out, just how many people miss having a dog. They all tell you about a dog they once had or the dog they left at home.
About Hounds Part 2: Owning a Retriever
There is no such thing as a bad dog. But you get the dog you deserve. You have to teach them to do the right thing and praise them for their success.