
Test automation in Angular web projects – What comes next after Protractor?

After the Angular team announced in April that it would stop development of its Protractor e2e testing framework at the end of 2022, many developers have been asking themselves what will happen next. Which test automation tool should be used? The market has a wide range of alternatives, some of which will be discussed in this article.

5 min

Snapshot testing with Angular and Storybook

Storybook is a component-driven tool for creating visual style guides and demonstrating UI components from React, Angular and Vue, as well as web components. In particular, snapshot testing provides an opportunity to detect and correct unexpected changes to style at an early stage.

5 min

OAuth in Single-Page-Apps

A large part of the apps we use regularly provide individual data and services for different users and therefore need to be able to clearly identify their users. The classic approach here would be to build a login form and manage it with its own user database, but this can have some disadvantages. This article presents the alternative approach with the protocols “OAuth” and “OpenID Connect”, which were developed for the purpose of secure authentication and authorisation.

12 min

Web Components (Part 2) – Integration into React

According to their idea, Web Components can be used independently of JavaScript frameworks. While this works with Angular, for example, with just a few steps without problems, the situation with React is unfortunately a bit different.​ Why this is so and how to solve the problem is explained in this blog post.

7 min

WCF Alternatives (Part 4) – Summary

In the last blog post of the series on alternatives for the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), we are going to recapitulate and compare them once again.

3 min

WCF Alternatives (Part 3) – Instructions for the Migration from WCF to gRPC

This post will address gRPC as a possible alternative, and describe, step by step, how a migration from WCF to gRPC can be done.

7 min

WCF Alternatives (Part 2) – Instructions for the Migration from WCF to Web API

This post will first address ASP.NET Core Web API as a possible alternative, and describe, step by step, how a migration from WCF to ASP.NET Core Web API can be done.

6 min

WCF Alternatives (Part 1) – Introduction

The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a communication platform for the creation of distributed applications developed by Microsoft for the .NET Framework. Microsoft generally recommends two alternatives, gRPC and Web API, to replace WCF.

3 min

Web Components (Part 1) – Building Your Own Components

So-called “web components” are one way of building reusable UI components for web applications. Unlike common single-page app frameworks such as React or Angular, the component model is based on web standards

7 min

Scalable Web Development with Micro Front-ends

The demand for the realization of complex business applications by means of state-of-the-art web technologies is continuously growing. Microservices help to split complex applications into smaller, more controllable components, enabling a clearer separation and thus a more agile approach.

2 min