
Automated Website Layout Testing with Galen

Galen is a framework for automated website layout testing. With Galen the user can formulate his test specifications using his own program code.

Quality Assurance,Web,Java
4 min

Let’s Talk About Security – SQL Injection

Many developers are still scratching their heads, wondering how such a simple method of attack could make it to the top of the list of security vulnerabilities.

Quality Assurance,Web
5 min

Let’s Talk About Security – Validate All Input

The objective of validation is to verify that the data entering the system do not cause any damage or cause information to be leaked.

Quality Assurance,Web
7 min

Let’s Talk About Security – Digital Identity

Security is more important today than ever before. Virtually everything is digitized and either located in its own network or connected to the internet.

Quality Assurance,Web
6 min

Successful Collaboration with Students from Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

In order to give the students a realistic impression of agile software development, the tried-and-tested scrum process model was used.

3 min

Recent trends and challenges in software development

At the “International JavaScript Conference” and the „W-JAX“ We took the opportunity on both of the conferences to exchange intensively with the community and to ask them some questions.

4 min

Launch a Kubernetes cluster on AWS with kube-up and let it autoscale

How to launch a kubernetes cluster on AWS using kube-up, and enable cluster and horizonal pod autoscaling, and deploy a service that triggers autoscaling.

10 min

Building Cross Platform Desktop Apps with Angular and Electron

In this blog post we introduce the process of building a hybrid Desktop App with Angular using the Angular-CLI and Electron.

13 min

Protractor – Automated Testing with Angular

Critical errors that become evident only in live operation constitute a major financial risk, and they also mean negative publicity both for the product and the companies involved. This is why testing is a fundamental, integral part of modern software development.

Quality Assurance,Web
7 min

Truly Perfect Full-Size Background Images on the Web

This blog post shows a simple and clean solution, how one can create truly perfect full-size background images on the web.

11 min