Monitoring with the New DTI Thermal Imaging Camera
Equipped with the new, high-resolution ZEISS thermal imaging camera, the ornithologists will now be able to monitor the eagle-owls even more closely.
Bird identification for children
What is the best approach for children to start with bird identification? First of all, a bird identification book is important.
The Dark Art Of Vismigging – Part Two
Visible Migration (Vismig) is literally the kind of bird migration that can be seen and enjoyed at first hand.
The Dark Art Of Vismigging – Part One
Bird migration is a universally accessible, constantly changing wonder of nature and a fascinating phenomenon.
Backyard Birders
Backyard birders: About the discoveries in your garden in general and during migration in spring and fall.
Raptor Spectacle in Eilat
During spring migration, raptors search straits and the shortest distances across the water, why Eilat in Israel is their favorite stopover.
Victory SF: Binoculars for nature lovers
A review on the Victory SF 8×42 binoculars by David Fisher, Director of Sunbird Tours.
Binoculars for birders from ZEISS
Faansie Peackock gives an insight on the different binocular models and which features are important to look at to find the perfect binocular.
Bird of Extremes: The Harpy Eagle
The Harpy Eagle is one of the largest birds of prey, and in fact it is even the strongest raptor, and the name given for a pemium spotting scope.
Review of the updated ZEISS Victory SF
Professor Richard Gregory, Head of Species Monitoring and Research of the RSPB, reviewed the ZEISS Victory SF binoculars stressing its benefits.