All articles by date

Part 2: The professionalization of birdwatching and bird protection

About the useage of binoculars in the beginning of the 20th century and the development of nature conservation organizations in Germany, England and the USA.

4 min

Part 1: How it all began: The roots of bird watching

An insight into the beginnings of nature observation, the creation of the first binoculars and the developments in England and the USA.

3 min

Securing the wintering grounds of the Endangered Spotted Greenshank (Tringa guttifer)

Spotted Greenshank is listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List and currently faces an ongoing decline, driven principally by habitat loss and degradation.

2 min

The long-winged Club is in Trouble

The long-winged club is not for every bird. It’s for the tough ones only. Global climate change has made their lives harder with longer migration routes, faster migrations and desertification among other heightened risks. This spring in Eilat revealed the challenges and sometimes tragedies they face.

4 min

ZEISS Engages Sponsorship with Birdability: New organization promotes inclusion and access for those with disabilities or health concerns.

ZEISS engages sponsorship with Birdability, a new organization promoting inclusion and access for those with disabilities or health concerns.

2 min

Binomania ZEISS Birding Event in Italy

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 Binomania, in collaboration with Bignami and ZEISS, exhibited various products at the Palude Brabbia Nature Reserve in Italy.

1 min

The first bird race ever

The DDA Birdrace 2021 on World Migratory Bird Day set some new records and excited many people to take part in their first Birdrace.

5 min

Luke Tiller’s review on the ZEISS Victory SF32

Travelling birder Luke Tiller reviews the ZEISS Victory SF32. Read his experiences about the wide field of view, optimized ergonomics and image quality.

4 min

The Vultures‘ Restaurant

NABU develops a prototype guaranteeing a safe and poison-free feeding station for endangered vultures and other birds of prey in Kenya. The project is co-financed by ZEISS.

3 min

Catherine’s Corner

ZEISS amabassador Catherine Hamilton describing her experiences observing Wrentits at Eaton Cayon.

3 min