All articles by date

ZEISS DTI Thermal Imaging Camera –From the Idea to Market Entry

Exciting insights into the origins of the DTI, the demanding tests and the comprehensive range of services the company offers, even long after the purchase.

Product News,Experience
4 min

Interview with Dominik Eulberg

Dominik Eulberg, DJ, producer and NABU Bird Ambassador 2023 about his current projects and his connection to ZEISS.

10 min

How your old binoculars support nature conservationists and children worldwide

ZEISS collects binoculars to donate them to BirdLife. They are used for bird and nature conservation and enable children worldwide to experience nature.

2 min

Dynamics in birding: Ferruginous Ducks

Cherry Picking in flocks of ducks: Why a good spotting scope is essential for a reliable identification. The Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca), a member of the group of diving ducks, was and still is a rarity in Western Europe. Ferruginous Ducks can sometimes appear in larger groups with double-digit numbers of specimens outside the breeding

4 min

ZEISS Ambassador James Lidster testing the SFL 30 binoculars on his trip to Namibia

ZEISS Brand Ambassador James Lidster testing the all new SFL 30 binoculars on his trip to Namibia.

3 min

ZEISS SFL 30 – the new ultra-compact binoculars of the SF product family

The ZEISS SFL 30 is the newest and lightest member of the SF product family. The binoculars impress with their optical performance and lightweight design.

Product News
2 min

Ambassadors answer: Christian Cederroth

ZEISS Brand Ambassador Christian Cederroth talking about his birding destinations, conservation projects and favorite ZEISS products.

3 min

Overview of Common European Waders – Part 2

Waders belong to the group of shorebirds and include a variety of species and genera. This article gives you an overview on a few of them who seem to look very similar at a first glance.

3 min

Reaching 1,000 with the ZEISS DTI

ZEISS Ambassador Stephen Menzie reaching his 1,000th bird species in Panama by using the ZEISS DTI as a ‘game changer’ on the best night-drive he had ever done.

Destination,Product News
5 min

Have you sorted out all your gifts for the holidays?

Discover the ZEISS Gift Guide now.  Celebrate the holiday season with the quality and innovation of a ZEISS gift—timeless pieces that connect us to the nature  and each other. Use our dealer locator to find your ZEISS dealer, get your gifts and start the holiday season relaxed. Our ZEISS Bestsellers ZEISS SFL 40Smart FocusConcept for

1 min