Quality Assurance

FlaUI, project experience

FlaUI is an open source library for .NET that enables the automation of user interfaces for Windows applications. It is a good choice for testers or developers looking to create automated tests for applications running on the Windows platform. FlaUI features a simple and robust API enabling users to perform most actions that a user would normally perform on the user interface.

Quality Assurance,.NET
4 min

Recipes for test automation (Part 4) – When chaos reigns in the kitchen

When chaos reigns in the kitchen. “Then the cook took the ladle…” A comparison between a kitchen team and a test team aiming to demonstrate the most common problems during testing. In my blog, I discuss possible erroneous decisions and possible solutions to problems.

Quality Assurance
3 min

Criteria catalogue for the best possible choice of test automation tools

This article is about the list of criteria for tools in test automation, the criteria catalogue, how it was validated and the results of this validation.

6 min

Tester Teatime (Part 3): Documentation in software projects – eternally unloved

The article series “Tester Tea-Time” covers topics and issues that our testers face every day. This article is dealing with the issue of documentation in day-to-day project work.

Quality Assurance
6 min

Selecting test automation tools – criteria and methods

Determining which criteria are relevant when selecting a test automation tool is the basic requirement in the development of a criteria catalogue

4 min

Test automation in Angular web projects – What comes next after Protractor?

After the Angular team announced in April that it would stop development of its Protractor e2e testing framework at the end of 2022, many developers have been asking themselves what will happen next. Which test automation tool should be used? The market has a wide range of alternatives, some of which will be discussed in this article.

5 min

Video tutorial: How teams use the QA Navigation Board

The QA Navigation Board [https://blogs.zeiss.com/digital-innovation/en/qa-navigation-board/] enables teams to make targeted and efficient decisions for every software project with regard to aspects of quality assurance, their order of priority and their implementation. We have created a short video tutorial to explain how it works.

2 min

Tester Teatime (Part 2): Spelling in applications – anything but trivial

“Tester Teatime” is a blog post format, which addresses topics that testers deal with on a daily basis. The second part of this blog format deals with the questions: What is the connection of spelling and software development and which impact have spelling errors on the usability of an application?

Quality Assurance
4 min

Security and compliance in software projects – getting dependencies under control

This blog post addresses the high standards of security and compliance that we have to meet in every software project. Trained security engineers are responsible for ensuring that we achieve this within any given project. An especially persistent challenge they face is dealing with the countless dependencies present in software projects, and getting them – and their variety of versions – under control.

6 min

Test automation tool from the catalogue – How do I find the perfect tool?

One of the first steps in introducing a test automation strategy is to evaluate suitable test automation tools. Since each project is unique, both the requirements and the choice of tools vary. This blog series is intended to provide guidance in selecting the appropriate solution.

Quality Assurance
5 min