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What Used to Be Lone Warriors Is Now a Team – A New Way of Collaborating
This is the new way of collaborating at Saxonia Systems (since 03/2020 ZEISS Digital Innovation) – distributed over all our locations.
Test Automation with Squish (Part 1) – Technical Perspective
How does test automation with Squish work? Which technical and functional aspects should be noted while designing the test framework or the test scripts?
The User in the Center of Software Development
The focus of this blog article is the integration of User Cantered Design (UCD) into our software development process. A highlight is put on the tools and methods used to tailor the software to the actual user’s needs.
Mocks in the test environment (Part 3)
In this part we will create a self-programmed mock application and will access it with our hero database. For this we use “Docker for Windows”.
How to use the QA Octant?
The QA Octant contains the quality characteristics for software systems according to ISO 25010. These characteristics point to the necessary types of tests that result from the set weighting of the different functional and non-functional characteristics.
ZEISS Hackathon Munich: Hacking into the night
This blog post reports on our experiences and impressions at the ZEISS Hackathon Munich 2019. The tasks dealt with image processing as well as time series processing and CPU monitoring.
What is IT-Service-Management?
IT-Service-Management is dedicated to challenges of complex processes and systems in information technology like increasing efficiency, process quality and profitability.
Mentoring for female IT students – A field report
This article shows which tasks a mentor takes on in the ProfIT mentoring program to support IT students on their way to work.
Mobile Testing – Do I Have to Reinvent the Wheel?
Not only countless developers also numerous testers work on mobile terminals. The question is, do testing methods change because of the new platforms?
Cloud Special Day – OOP 2019
Did you miss our Cloud Special Day at OOP 2019 in Munich? This blog post summarizes the most important content of the lectures.