Patients Care What You Wear

As eye care professionals, you know that the type of eyewear and lenses you choose for yourself matters to your patients. They’re more likely to trust your recommendations if they can see that you practice what you preach. That’s why it’s important for you to share with your patients what type of eyewear and lenses you choose for yourself and your family and friends. Patients will appreciate the transparency, and they’ll be more likely to buy from you.

The eyewear you choose matters to your patients

Eye care professionals are themselves the most influential part of a patient’s consideration when choosing eyewear, with over 80% of patients saying that they would be very likely or somewhat likely to buy self-tinting lenses if their doctor recommended or wore them.

Patients want to see that you care about your own vision, and they’ll be more likely to buy from you if they know that you’re wearing the same type of lenses that you’re recommending to them.

So don’t be afraid to share with your patients what type of eyewear and lenses you choose for yourself. It will only improve your relationship with them, and they’ll be more likely to buy from you as a result.

The numbers speak for themselves

We conducted a recent poll of 300 patients and 99 eye care professionals in every state of the United States. The majority of the consumers, 50%, are current self-tinting wearers, whereas the other half wear clear lenses. The questions were based on self-tinting lenses.

When eye care professionals were asked how they rank the various characteristics of self-tinting lenses, the majority of respondents said that speed-to-clear is the most important attribute. This was followed closely by outdoor darkness level and speed to darken.

There were no significant distinctions in feature preference between the US regions. Additionally, consumers and eye care professionals had the same level of priority in self-tinting lens features.

When it comes to patients there are different challenges

Consumers who are unlikely to buy self-tinting glasses are mostly opposed due to a lack of necessity, a preference for a separate pair of sunglasses for outdoors and the notion that they are too costly.

For patients concerned about the lenses taking too long to clear, ECPs can recommend the ZEISS PhotoFusion X Pro Grey and Pro Brown colors.  These Pro colors are specifically design to clear up quickly.  In fact, they are up to 4.5 x faster to clear than the most common photochromic*.

Eye care professionals play an important role in the decision-making process for patients when it comes to choosing self-tinting lenses. Patients trust the opinion of their eye care professional, and are far more likely to buy self-tinting lenses if their doctor recommends or wears them.

Do you want to sell more photochromics in your practice?

The #1 tool ECPs have is to have their staff wear the product & show them to patients.

Eye care professionals that wear self-tinting lenses have much higher sales (30%+) vs. those that don’t (10-20%).  Patients will often times ask about the product you’re recommending and want to know more. This creates a great opportunity for you to upsell them on the benefits of self-tinting lenses.

Most of the time patients come into your office not sure what type of lenses they need. They might not even be aware of the different types of self-tinting lenses that are available. This is where you can play a vital role in the decision-making process.

You have a lot of influence

As an eye care professional, you have a lot of influence over what type of lenses your patients choose. Patients trust your opinion and are more likely to buy self-tinting lenses if you recommend or wear them yourself.

According to recent research, 89% of eyeglasses users continue to purchase photochromics after their first purchase. ECPs were responsible for all 100% of these wearers being recommended photochromic lenses.

Don’t be scared. The most significant step you can take is to put them on and recommend them. It will make a substantial difference, according to research.

This applies to more than just photochromics

Patients want to know what you and your staff choose for yourself, and they are anxious to learn more. Progressive lenses, sunglasses, and even blue light protection are all matters of personal choice. So tell them what you’re wearing. Patients will have greater trust in you as a result of this, which will improve sales.

To find out more about becoming a ZEISS customer, please click here.

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*Testing by independent testing laboratory in USA in 2021-22 according to requirement in ISO 8980-3.  Based on the average speed (%T/min) of fadeback from fully activated state to the interpolated time to 80%T at 23C in 1.50 index  HC only form (CR607 version of comparison brand).

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