Make invisible UV light visible for your patients

ZEISS C-UVProtect Demo Tool

You know UV protection is as important for the eyes as it is for the skin, but how can you convey that to your patients?

With the new ZEISS C-UVProtect, you can demonstrate the level of UV protection in lenses to your patients.

How it works

It’s simple. The ZEISS C-UVProtect tablet uses a low level of UV light within a special camera to illustrate lens protection from UV.

When looking at the tablet, lenses that appear visibly dark and not transparent fully block UV.

The clearer the lenses appear, the less they protect against UV. Lenses that are transparent do not protect against UV.

The ZEISS C-UVProtect is a great tool to let your patients experience and understand the importance of full UV protection in their eyeglasses.

Did you know? 84% of consumers would stop using their current eye doctor if they were not provided with lenses that offer full UV protection up to 400 nm.

How to order one for your practice

Launched in the U.S. and available for order nationwide. You can simply ask your ZEISS representative or call 1-866-596-5467.

*A ZEISS account is required for purchase.

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2 Responses to “Make invisible UV light visible for your patients”

  1. I am an optometrist in Holland, MI. Interested in learning more about the Zeiss C-UVProtect tool. Please have the appropriate rep reach out to me via email. I know my Zeiss rep’s first name is Cortland. Not sure if he reps this device. Thanks you.

  2. Hello,

    I am an optician and pharmacist in Spain and I am very interested in buying the ZEISS C-UVProtect Tool tablet. I cannot find it in Spain. I would like information to get one if it is possible and its price?
    Thank you!

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