Why it’s better than any other meat.
Not only is the meat of wild animals particularly tasty, it also features a lot of healthy benefits. But there are still people out there who do not know why game is better than any other meat from domestic livestock. Here are some reasons with which you can convince others of the benefits of game meat. All meat-eaters can benefit from mixing up their diet with tasty game.
Healthy and Organic
The biggest advantage of game over any livestock is its free-range and pasture-fed way of life. Wild animals eat nothing but their natural diet, which means that they are not treated with antibiotics, hormones or other medication. They choose what to eat from a diverse assortment of organic foods and only pick what tastes good. Take roe deer for example: They are true gourmets! They eat a bit here and there, thereby mixing up their food – from fruits, to leaves, to herbs and buds. At the same time, wild animals are very active, which is why their meat contains of a lot of muscle and little fat.

This combination of a natural diet and a lot of movement makes game meat very lean and low in saturated fat. If you want to reduce your fat intake, then game is the best meat you can eat. Moreover, it contains many vitamins, a lot of protein and is a good source of minerals such as iron and zinc. Compared to most domestic livestock, game has higher nutrient values and fewer calories, making it a healthy food choice.
Furthermore, game is environmentally friendly! No other meat has such short transport ways. Its regionality is ensured, as game is hunted and sold locally. You will always know where wild game comes from. Sustainability is another key feature of game meat. Hunters only hunt a certain amount of animals in order to keep nature in its equilibrium. The hunt revolves around the natural lifecycle of wild animals. This is why hunters abide by government-regulated hunting seasons and closed seasons.
Controlled Quality
The meat from wild animals has to undergo a thorough quality check before it can be sold. Every hunter has to fulfil a certain hygiene standard – that applies from the moment the animal is first seen by the hunter to the selling of its meat. While gralloching the game, certain hygiene rules need to be followed, otherwise the meat will not find a buyer. Within the European Union, for example, there are strict regulations and standards that all hunters from all member states need to comply with.

You probably have heard the following question a couple of times: What about the risks of radiation and lead poisoning in the meat? Some people are afraid that game meat is harmful. But you can give them the all-clear! Nowadays radioactivity from the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 only affects wild boars in certain areas because the boars dig through the ground and eat mushrooms from below the surface. In those areas where there is still a risk of radioactivity, meat from boars is tested and the meat is only allowed to go on sale if the radiation is found to be below a certain level may the meat go on sale.
Unique Flavor
Last but not least: The flavor needs mentioning. Many people love the unique taste of wild game. Due to the natural way of life the meat from wild animals has a distinctive flavor to it. It can definitely cater for all tastes! There are many different ways to prepare and cook the meat – either traditional or fancy, roasted or as ragout, processed as sausages or ham… Your imagination knows no limits when it comes to cooking game! Should there be leftovers, the meat can easily be deep-frozen. All you need to do is seal the meat hermetically and label the package with the type of meat, the weight and the date of freezing. There is even an advantage to putting the meet in the freezer: You can unfreeze it whenever you like and enjoy a tasty meal.