Wild Boar Sous Vide

Download the recipe below.

stopwatch 45 Minutes   servings 2-3 Portions


Mette Karin Petersen

Notice! You need a sous vide and vacuum bags for this recipe. Sous vide is also known as low temperature long time cooking. Using this technique, the meat is sealed in a vacuum bag and immersed in water at a precisely controlled and low temperature for a long time. All the juices and seasonings remain in the bag with the food. This creates intense flavors.


For the Meat:

  • Wild boar fillet (this was 300g)
  • Fresh herbs (e.g. rosemary, thyme)
  • 1 garlic, finely sliced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Seasoning of your choice
  • Salt and pepper
  • Butter

For the Sauce:

  • 0.5 l red wine
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 garlic
  • 100 g high quality and free range bacon
  • 500 g brown mushrooms
  • 10 ml cream (optional)
  • Venison stock (or beef stock)


Trim and clean the wild boar fillet. Place your meat with olive oil, herbs, garlic and seasoning of your choice in a sous vide bag or a freezer bag. Turn on your sous vide for 30 min at 52°C.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. On low heat fry shallot, garlic and bacon for 5-7 min Add mushrooms and fry for another 5-7 min until they are soft. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. In the same frying pan, pour in the red wine and let it simmer for 20 min on low heat. Next, add stock and continue to simmer for 10 min.

After 30 min. Preheat a frying pan over high heat and add butter. Once the butter has stopped bubbling, add the wild boar fillet from the bag. Add some fresh herbs for extra flavor. Fry the meat for 1-2 min on each side or until you get a tasty crust. 

To finish the sauce, add bacon and mushroom mix to the red wine and optionally add some cream. Simmer on medium heat for 3-5 min while the wild boar fillet rests for 5 min. Next, slice the meat and serve with the delicious sauce.

Wild Boar Sous Vide


Happy cooking & Bon appétit.

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