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Identification of Curlews

If you see a large shorebird with a surprisingly long, downwardly curved bill, it is almost certainly a curlew, a group of birds distinguished by their bills. Male and female curlews are similar in size, but the female’s bill is longer. Ornithologists debate whether the genus Numenius comprises eight or nine species. All curlews breed

1 min

Overview of Common European Waders

They have an elegant appearance and impress with their long beak, with which they prefer to search for food on the shore.Waders belong to the group of shorebirds and include a variety of species and genera. In this article, we would like to give you an overview on a few of them who seem to

2 min

The ZEISS SFL: The new lightness of being

Peter Rass is a renowned ornithologist and bird photographer from Austria. He recently bought the new SFL40 and gave us feedback.

2 min

BirdLife International and ZEISS work to save the last of its kind: The endangered Spotted Greenshank (Tringa guttifer)

The Spotted Greenshank (Tringa guttifer) is one of the most threatened shorebirds in East Asia. ZEISS supports the conservation action of BirdLife International to help saving it from extinction.

5 min

Bee a Team

Numerous ZEISS employees installed, filled, and planted eight apiaries for wild bees on the ZEISS factory plant in Oberkochen, in line with our sustainability strategy.

4 min

ZEISS UK Young Birder Awards

Somewhere, Up there, My thoughts are lost on a sky-kissed wind, aloft. Sun adorned and Swallow formed. This poem was just one of the fantastic submissions to the ZEISS UK Young Birder Awards. One of the three winners, Esther Rumsey from Gloucester, brought it to the point: “I was in our garden trying to think

8 min

The 2022 lightweight surprise

Just when we thought that top-end binoculars could not be of any less weight, ZEISS comes up with an incredible high-performance binocular, the SFL.

2 min

The viewing behavior of binoculars

Taking a closer look at the ZEISS SFL’s viewing behavior and learning why a large exit pupil delivers a particularly comfortable viewing experience.

Product News
3 min

The Black Grouse: A bird species, which deserves our attention

Unfortunately the existence of the Black Grouse is declining continuously in Germany. An important reason for ZEISS to put the species back in focus.

3 min

What does UHD mean in the context of binoculars?

UHD stands for ultra-high definition and describes the optical performance of our ZEISS SFL binoculars. The UHD concept features particularly sharp, detailed imaging and natural color reproduction.

4 min