All articles by date

The Routine of a Distributed Team: A True Team with Authentic Values

This report shows our experiences in the routine of our first distributed team in collaboration with ETEO Software Factory.

4 min

The QA Navigation Board workshop

The QA Navigation Board is developed within the framework of a workshop run by an agile QA coach.

Quality Assurance
2 min

Automated Website Layout Testing with Galen

Galen is a framework for automated website layout testing. With Galen the user can formulate his test specifications using his own program code.

Quality Assurance,Web,Java
4 min

The QA Map or “How to complete the QA Navigation Board…”

To answer the question, “How and where do we want to test?” and to facilitate the introduction of this topic to the teams, we have developed the QA Map.

Quality Assurance
2 min

Let’s Talk About Security – SQL Injection

Many developers are still scratching their heads, wondering how such a simple method of attack could make it to the top of the list of security vulnerabilities.

Quality Assurance,Web
5 min

Recipes for Test Automation (Part 3)

To find out how a recipe, thus a test case for test automation, has to look like, we first take a look at a typical recipe.

3 min

Let’s Talk About Security – Validate All Input

The objective of validation is to verify that the data entering the system do not cause any damage or cause information to be leaked.

Quality Assurance,Web
7 min

Let’s Talk About Security – Digital Identity

Security is more important today than ever before. Virtually everything is digitized and either located in its own network or connected to the internet.

Quality Assurance,Web
6 min

Test Automation with Squish (Part 2) – Functional Perspective

After Python was specified as the most suitable script language for test automation with Squish in the first part, now the functional view on this topic is explained.

Quality Assurance
4 min

Teaching a Machine to Test Using AI

The topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being considered more and more frequently in the field of quality assurance today. Is this the end of manual testing?

Quality Assurance
4 min