All articles by date
Look Me in the Eyes – Application Monitoring with Azure Application Insights
With Application Insights, Microsoft provides an application monitoring service for development and DevOps. It can log virtually everything.
Distributed working: Remote Pair Testing
Especially in corona times, the distributed approach is more in demand than ever. Remote work is possible in home office and also at different locations.
Pimp my testAUTOmation (Part 3)
This third part of the blog series is about reports and protocols which can be used to derive key figures and trends the team needs for further development.
Pimp my testAUTOmation (Part 2)
In the second part of the blog series on Selenium we will create a video of the test execution.
Pimp my testAUTOmation (Part 1)
In this blog posts I want to show what Selenium 4 brings and how important features like screenshots, videos, reports and approaches of AI can be implemented using simple means.
Collaboration in times of Corona – what we all can learn from agile software development
The current crisis, caused by COVID-19, is challenging the most companies worldwide for several weeks now. How does that fact affect my work in the Sales and Marketing team?
Remote Alienation – It works without!
To counteract remote alienation, we have developed an approach that has the advantages of a remote test centre or distributed test teams, but tries to keep their disadvantages as small as possible.
Simple Case History of the QA Strategy for Agile Teams
In this post the QA Navigation Board is presented as a tool that allows agile development teams to recognize and eliminate typical QA issues and their effects.
Software Development in Corona times – Business as usual?
This post describes from the point of view of one of our business analysts how corona influences our work life. Is there a business as usual?
The Routine of a Distributed Team: A True Team with Authentic Values
This report shows our experiences in the routine of our first distributed team in collaboration with ETEO Software Factory.