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MS Azure DevOps: On-Demand Agents — Part 2

This post is the second in a two-part series. In the previous post, I have given you a quick overview of how we are using on-demand agents. Moreover, the first article only addresses the theoretical aspect of on-demand agents. In this article, I will discuss more about the underlying infrastructure, tooling, and most notably, the

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The culture of code reviews @ ZEISS

Everyone doing software engineering understands the importance of code reviews, and there is an almost unlimited number of articles that talk about code reviews best practices and how to perform them.

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Our journey to microfrontends

Nowadays, Microfrontends as architectural style are not unknown – and Microfrontends is quite a popular buzzword in the world of modern frontend software development, but for us it is more than a buzzword!

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The Power of Daily

Perhaps the most important meeting from all the Scrum meetings and not limited to Scrum is the “Daily”. Short, focused and energetic. This is everything you need to start your day and focus on what matters most.

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Three critical factors to consider when you work as software engineer in digital B2B

A well-oiled machine, where all parts (competencies) work perfectly together and incremental software solutions with great user experience and business value are delivered to our customers daily. That´s what digital transformation – or rather say business transformation in the digital age is all about. Right?

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5 steps to Self-Organization – The Story of a Journey

In the “Age of RE” – reorganization, recreation, rebuilding, redesign – we need to go back to the roots and start new again, while accommodating the changing needs of the time. We shape the behavior of the customer with every line of code aimed to bring value. Digitalization brings forth bitcoins, robots, learning algorithms, e-bots, but behind everything is the human. According to Modern Agile, the main engine to success is to make people awesome.

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From design to {code} – bridging gaps through good collaboration & tools

Working as an experience designer at ZEISS Digital Innovation Partners and interacting on a daily basis with colleagues from business and engineering, it is essential to make ideas experienceable rapidly, iterate on feedback and bring products out to customers quickly. To reach this goal, we put our efforts into creating a working culture that fosters collaboration within the cross-functional teams focusing on exchange, knowledge sharing and mutual understanding.

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Precise UI

Few years ago we started working on Digital Customer Companion, which is an online portal for customers of Zeiss. It was a greenfield project, where we were laying foundation for one of the core digital products at Zeiss.

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Failing, Learning, Innovating

From startups in Silicon Valley to big tech companies and corporate innovation hubs: It seems that “failing” is widely accepted these days. Entrepreneurs celebrate “Fuckup nights” and startup employees are excited about how they “embrace failure”. Sounds like a relaxed way of working, right? No responsibility, no accountability, no consequences. The opposite is the case. But let’s start from the beginning.

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MS Azure DevOps: On-Demand Agents

In today’s DevOps world, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery allow software engineers to deliver values to customers rapidly. We as Digital Innovation Partners at Zeiss use Azure Devops extensively to ensure fast software delivery.

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