Download the recipe below.

30 Minutes
Venison makes a superb alternative to beef in burgers. It is also a great way to convince any venison sceptics of the amazing flavor. Because: Who doesn’t like a burger?
TIP: Season the patties with salt for the best taste. Other seasonings would only mask the meat flavor.
- 2 parts venison muscle meat! (the type of venison doesn’t matter)
- 1 part bacon, wild boar is best, but domestic pig from the butcher also works
- Table salt (no nitrite curing salt) 18 g/kg meat mass
Place the shaft of the meat grinder and the perforated disc in the freezer.
Mix the well-cooled meat with the salt and then turn it through the meat grinder with the 6 mm perforated disc. Knead the meat mixture well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
Shape into even balls, approx. 120 g in weight and press into patties with the burger press. Tip: Dip the burger press in lukewarm water from time to time so that the patties don’t stick!
Then either freeze the patties and vacuum pack them to keep them or put them on the BBQ immediately.
Bon Appétit.