How your old binoculars support nature conservationists and children worldwide

With the BirdLife International x ZEISS initiative

As part of the ZEISS Trade-In Promotion, you can send your binoculars to ZEISS and receive a cashback credit towards the purchase of a new product. Simply return your outdated optics of any brand, you will then receive a cashback voucher for your brand-new, high-performance ZEISS binoculars, and support children and conservationists around the world with your optics

Find all information about the initiative here!

However, what happens to the used equipment you trade in?

The Dutch non-profit organization Vogelbescherming Nederland (BirdLife Netherlands) is part of the globally active BirdLife International network, with whom ZEISS has a long-standing and close collaboration. Around the world BirdLife International is working to protect birds and nature, together with local communities, schools and birdwatchers. Access to optical equipment is key to success. Whether for environmental education in Burkina Faso or for dedicated bird counts in Indonesia, in many places binoculars are needed.

The BirdLife Partner in The Netherlands, Vogelbescherming Nederland collects used binoculars in order to give them a new life. In doing so, they are not only used for bird and nature conservation wherever they are needed, but have also enabled innumerable children to discover nature through impressive and inspiring (outdoor) experiences.

As part of the current cashback campaign, ZEISS are collecting binoculars from all manufacturers and brands in order to donate them to Vogelbescherming to support this campaign. Using Vogelbescherming’s many years of experience and BirdLife’s global network, ZEISS can give refurbished used equipment to as many people as possible.

“BirdLife is delighted to be part of this new initiative of ZEISS. Used but well-functioning binoculars are of incredible value to many who work to protect nature around the world. Sharing used optical equipment is a great way to strengthen connections between birders and conservationists worldwide. We therefore hope that the ZEISS cashback campaign will be a success,”

says Barend van Gemerden of BirdLife International.

Would you like to replace your outdated binoculars with a brand-new, high-performance ZEISS optic? Then trade in your old optics of any brand immediately and receive up to €200 cash back on your new ZEISS product!

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