North America
How Can a Trail Camera Enhance your Birding Experience?
ZEISS Secacam enhances the birding experience by offering high-quality imaging and advanced technology that enables birdwatchers to capture and observe birds more effectively in their natural habitats.
Discovering Grassland Birds at Carden Alvar: A birdwatching adventure
A spontaneous birdwatching trip to Carden Alvar reveals the beauty and diversity of grassland birds, demonstarting the magic of discovery.
Peregrinations: Wanderfalke, Duck Hawk, Bullet Hawk, Ledge Hawk, Great-footed Hawk?
Falcons are indisputably impressive creatures, Peregrine Falcons especially so.
The Yellowstone Paradox
Discover the Yellowstone Paradox – a national park that feels like it’s from another world. Explore its stunning geology, vibrant nature, and unforgettable wildlife encounters.
Urban oasis: Discovering Los Angeles surprising avian diversity
Birding experiences in LA, highlighting the cities surprising avian diversity, diverese habitats and unique urban birding oppurtunities.
Catherine’s Corner
ZEISS amabassador Catherine Hamilton describing her experiences observing Wrentits at Eaton Cayon.
Water for Drinking and Warblers for Watching
In spring, the South Carolina swamp forests ring with the buzzy songs of Parula Warblers and the gobbles of Wild Turkeys. Swallow-tailed Kites and Wood Storks ride summer thermals.
Cape St. Mary’s Ecological Reserve
Cape St. Mary’s Ecological Reserve in Newfoundland is the most accessible seabird rookery in North America. Expect to see a grand spectacle of activity.