Did you know that people who love birds are expert jugglers?

Binoculars, cameras, coats, tripods, scopes, bags and phones – we carry it all!

I’m certainly guilty of carrying everything because “what if I need it? What if I see a bird that’s far away and I need to identify it?”

Those who birdwatch will be familiar with this scenario. You spot a bird in a tree. You bring up the binoculars that are hanging round your neck to check the species. You then grab your camera that’s also around your neck to take the perfect picture. But then, disaster, you hear your water bottle drop out of your open bag and scare off the bird!

You walk off, slightly despondent, but then see another bird in the distance. You undo the legs of the tripod attached to your scope (which has been precariously balanced on your shoulder the whole time), you adjust and fiddle with your digiscope, attach it to the eyepiece and then remember you want to log what you’ve seen! I’m already exhausted, are you?

You’ve just made an effort to go on a birdwatching walk after an intense work day and the last thing you want to feel is that your hobby is a balancing act…

I want to use the right kit at the right time AND log my birds as they appear, but sometimes I want to switch off from my devices and truly enjoy being outside, phone-free. My partner aptly calls me ‘a walking christmas tree’; weighed down by my scope, tripod, binoculars, camera, bag, water bottle, coat, and trying to log the birds I’ve seen at the same time!

One app I use for Bird ID and to keep track of my birds is Birda. Yes, I might be a little biassed as I’m the Community Engagement Officer for Birda but I genuinely love Birda! I still get very excited when I unlock a fun monthly badge for logging birds or when my dad and I race to compete in our own private birding challenge. But I sometimes feel I’m on my phone too much.

In our fast-paced lives, we are quite reliant on screens. I know that I use screens for my job, some of my hobbies and for entertainment. Even following a workout tutorial or a recipe involves a screen. I too find it tricky to balance my screen-time and my kit whilst enjoying my favourite hobby; birding.

To truly feel engaged with nature, feel mindful in nature and embrace quiet birding moments, I can now log my birdwatching trips that have already happened with Birda’s Past Sessions. My walks are much more enjoyable now I don’t have to juggle a screen too. I’m still carrying all my gear, still slightly Christmas tree-y, but I’ve got one less thing to worry about.

I can wander home, turn the kettle on and log a past birding session on Birda. I choose my start and end time, choose the location and then tick the birds I’ve seen. I often pair this with a cup of coffee and a biscuit for added enjoyment. They all go towards my challenges and my lists too so I can keep track of my progress over the year.

Whether it’s a hike I’ve just come home from or a birdy day out with my friends from weeks ago, Past Sessions on Birda are a great way to reduce screen time in nature. I am aiming to keep my time in nature free from screens and go phone-free birding with Birda. Get started with Birda, it’s Free. Check out the App Store and the Play Store today.

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