Sind Schulungen wirklich notwendig?
Schulungen und Weiterbildungen sind teuer, zeitaufwendig und bringen für den Arbeitsalltag nur wenig. Oder? Die Redaktion des ZEISS Messtechnik Blogs hat Dieter Huber, Manager Global ZEISS ACADEMY METROLOGY, mit solchen Aussagen konfrontiert. Lesen Sie hier, wie er darauf antwortet:
Viele Messtechniker arbeiten schon jahrelang in ihrem Beruf, warum sollten sie noch eine Schulung besuchen? Was bringt das wirklich?

Weiterbildung ist grundsätzlich notwendig, um auf dem aktuellen Stand der Technik zu bleiben. Technologische Weiterentwicklungen, Normänderungen und QM-Vorschriften, allen voran aber auch Veränderungen beim Kunden selbst führen dazu, dass Weiterbildungen nötig sind. Heutzutage gibt es beispielsweise viel komplexere Bauteile als früher. Dadurch steigen natürlich auch die Anforderungen an die Messtechniker. Wer hier nicht dazulernt, kommt irgendwann nicht mehr mit.
Die Schulungen bei ZEISS sind ganz schön teuer. Warum sollte man so viel Geld dafür ausgeben und nicht lieber woanders hingehen?
Auch wenn es abgedroschen klingt: Qualität hat ihren Preis. Wir haben sehr gut ausgebildete und zertifizierte Trainer, die ständig weitergebildet werden. Außerdem finden die praktischen Übungen am Messgerät bei uns in kleinen Gruppen statt. Dadurch hat jeder Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit am Gerät zu üben und nicht nur zuzuschauen. Hinzu kommen die umfangreichen, schulungsbegleitenden Materialien, die wir anbieten: Apps, Poster, Bücher oder Videotutorials unterstützen unsere Teilnehmer auch nach den Schulungen in ihrem Arbeitsalltag. Zusammen mit unseren modernen Schulungsräumen bieten wir somit ein optimales Lernumfeld an.
Schulungen sind ziemlich zeitaufwendig. Warum sollte man sich auf den Weg nach Oberkochen machen, um dort eine Schulung zu besuchen?
Hier im Customer Center in Oberkochen sind wir bestens ausgestattet. Wir haben eine große Bandbreite der modernsten Geräte vor Ort – vom CT bis zum Multisensorik-Messgerät. Auch rund um die Schulung haben die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, sich über messtechnische Lösungen zu informieren, z.B. auf unseren Abendveranstaltungen. Tatsächlich ist es aber gar nicht immer notwendig nach Oberkochen zu kommen. Zum einen gibt es auch in den ZEISS Metrology Centern, die in ganz Deutschland verteilt sind, kundenspezifische Schulungen. Darüber hinaus bieten wir verstärkt auch online Trainings an, z.B. für Update-Schulungen. So kann sich jeder von seinem eigenen Schreibtisch aus weiterbilden.
Wie laufen Schulungen bei ZEISS ab? Wo finden die Trainings statt? Einen Einblick in den Schulungsalltag bei ZEISS gibt ihnen unser Video:
Zu den Ausbildungspaketen von ZEISS
Was denken Sie, sind Schulungen wirklich notwendig und warum? Schildern Sie uns Ihre Erfahrungen in den Kommentaren.
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Molvi Noor Mohammad
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Do You Want To Perform Surah Taghabun For Marriage In Islam? If Yes, You Can Consult With Our Molvi Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji And Learn About The Benefits Of Surah Taghabun. He Will Also Provide You With The Powerful Surah Taghabun Ayat That Will Help You Get Rid Of Problems. Surah Taghabun Ki Fazilat Is The Best Islamic Surah Wazifa. For more information about surah taghabun wazifa for marriage and Ayat 11 benefits, visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want a dua for finding a good husband? If you are an unmarried woman, you can contact our Islamic scholar for the dua for a good spouse. With the help of the dua for righteous husband, you will find the right marriage proposal and have a happy married life. To know more about the dua for finding a spouse, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want to solve your problems in your life then you can consult with our molvi ji and get dua for good luck in life. He will also give you wazifa for good luck and wealth. For more information visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Reading the dua for husband health and success is a very special thing women do for their husbands. A woman reads this dua to protect my husband in Islam. With this dua, a woman wishes for her husband’s success and health. Find out more about the dua for husband's health and happiness by reading our article. Visit our website to find out everything about the most powerful dua for husband love. To read the dua for husband, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want to solve your problems in your life then you can consult with our molvi ji and get dua for good luck in life. He will also give you wazifa for good luck and wealth. For more information visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you love someone and want to get married with your love then you can consult with our molvi peer mohammad qadri ji and get dua to get married to a specific person. He will also give you duas for marriage in islam. For more information visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
For a person who wishes for love marriage, the dua for love marriage to agree parents is a life changer. It is a special wazifa used to make parents agree for love marriage. This dua is read for making parents agree for love marriage in a very short span of time.
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
If you want to know how to do Salat Al Istikhara for marriage proposal then consult with Molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri ji. You can directly ask him how to do istikhara for marriage. He is always available to teach people how to perform istikhara for getting married soon. By getting in touch with him, a person can easily learn about the istikhara dua for marriage. For more information visit
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you wish to get married soon to a person who cherishes you the most? Do you know that the dua for getting married soon will help you fulfill your wish. Get the dua to get married soon from our Islamic scholar. With his help, you can read the wazifa to get married soon and find a good life partner. For more information, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want a wazifa to convince a boy for marriage? Get the dua to convince someone for marriage from our Islamic scholar at Amliyat Dua. He will teach you how to perform the dua to make someone agree for marriage. These duas for marriage will help you convince your lover and your parents for getting married. To learn how to make dua for marriage, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want dua for barakah in business then you can consult with our molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri ji and get Dua For Success In Business. Our molvi ji will also give you Dua For Successful Business. For more information visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want dua to control husband mind then you can consult with our molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri ji and get also dua for controlling husband. He will also give you dua to keep husband in control. For more information about the dua to stop husband's bad habits, visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want dua for blessings in marriage then you can consult with our molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri ji. Get dua for marriage to happen soon for a blessed marriage. He will also give you islamic wishes for newly married couples. For more information about the dua for married couple in Urdu, visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
If you are pregnant and scared about your delivery then you can consult with our molvi ji and get dua for delivery. Dua for normal delivery will help you in bearing the labor pain and delivering a normal baby. and dua for easy delivery will help you in having a smooth and easy delivery. For more information visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you know the benefits of Surah Rahman in Islam? Every Muslim should find out the benefits of reading Surah Rehman on a regular basis. The benefits of reading the Surah Rahman have the power to bring positive changes in life. Anyone who wants to get married soon can read the Surah Rahman wazifa for marriage soon. To know more about how beneficial Surah Rahman is read:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you love someone and want to win their lfie? Do you want to spend your whole life with your partner? If yes, then you can consult with our Molvi peer Mohammad Qadri ji and get also tahajjud for marriage. He will also give you tahajjud for love and tahajjud dua for marriage. You can learn how to perform Tahajjud namaz for someone you love with his guidance. For more information about Tahajjud to marry someone, visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want dua for a good life partner then you can consult with our molvi peer Mohammad Qadri Ji and get also Islamic duas for finding somebody to get married to. He will also give you dua to find your soul mate. For more information visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want the best Islamic prayers for all types of marriage in Urdu or English? Consult Our Islamic scholar Peer Mohammad Qadri for the best wazifa for all types of marriage. You can also visit our website for complete details about benefits of reading Ya Mujeeb for marriage 100 times. Read this article to understand ya mujeebu benefits:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
If you want dua to get married to the person you want in your life then you can consult with our Molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri ji. You can contact him for dua to get married to a specific person. He will also give you powerful dua to get married to the person you love the most. For more information about the wazifa to get married to someone you love, visit us @
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Dua To get married soon is the best prayer for people who wish for early marriage. The duas for marriage for unmarried people who wish to find a righteous partner. If you are getting married soon, you can also get the dua when getting married for a happy and prosperous marriage. To read about the wazifa to get married soon, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Are you waiting to get some signs from Allah about marriage? Do you want to know the significance of dream about getting married in Islam? If yes, then we advise you to get in touch with our Islamic scholar. He will tell you how does Allah give us signs about marriage. He will tell you what does it mean seeing yourself married in dream Islam. To read more about signs of marriage, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want to be rich, famous, and successful? If yes, begin reading the dua to become rich and famous. It is an alternate of the wazifa to become rich and successful. By reading the powerful dua to get rich in 5 days, you will be able to make your life better and happier. Get the wazifa to get money in one day from Molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri now. To read more about the dua or wazifa to get money, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want your husband to have love and respect for you? If you want your spouse to love you and be loyal to you, you must read the wazifa for husband love and respect. It is a powerful Islamic prayer to make a husband fall in love with his wife. For women, who want their husbands to be less angry, wazifa for husband anger will help. If you are worried about your husband’s work life, you can consult our Islamic scholar for dua or wazifa for husband job. For more information, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
do you want someone to fall in love with you madly? If yes, begin reading the dua to make someone fall in love with you. The powerful dua or wazifa for someone you love will help you in marrying the person you love the most. Get the wazifa to make someone fall in love with you in 3 days to fulfill your wish of finding your soulmate. For more information, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want your love to be reciprocated from a specific person? If yes, begin reading the dua to make someone love you madly. It is a powerful dua for someone you love to love you back. Read this dua for someone to love you with the guidance of our Islamic scholar to get the best results. For more details about the dua to make someone love you and marry you, visit:
Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji
Do you want to bring your husband back from another woman? Read the Islamic dua to bring husband back to you. Get the dua to bring husband back to his home from our Islamic scholar. Read the wazifa for husband to come back to you for best results. To read more about the dua to get husband back, visit:
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Kya apka bhi visa baar-baar reject ho raha hai? Agar aisa hai to aapko jarurt hai visa lagne ki dua padhne ki. Jaldi visa hasil karne ki dua padhkar aap turant hi apna saalon se atka hua visa paa sakte hain. Hamare Molvi Ji apki isme poori sahayta karenge. Unke bataye Gaye tareeke aur duaein apka visa lagne me poori madad karengi. Adhik janakaari ke lie ise padhein:
Surah dua
Do you want to learn how to do Istikhara for marriage by the name of the person you wish to marry? When you read this dua with complete faith in Allah, you will find out whether or not your marriage with your lover or girlfriend will be successful. To know more, you can visit:
Surah dua
Are you looking for a dua for a successful and happy married life? Look no further than this beautiful dua from Quran. With its powerful words and meaning, this dua for successful marriage will bring you and your spouse closer to Allah and help you achieve a blessed union. To know more, you can visit:
Surah dua
Are You looking for a way to strengthen your family's overall safety? The dua for the safety and protection of the family is a powerful tool in helping us feel secure in an ever-changing world. Don't wait another day, Take control of your family's protection and safety. To know more, you can visit:
Surah dua
We all want our businesses to be successful, but sometimes it can take time to figure out what to do to make that happen. Luckily, there is a powerful dua for new business growth and success that can help you achieve your business goals quickly. To know more, you can visit:
Marriage Istikhara
Marriage istikhara is an online website which provides dua , wazifa , amal and isitikhara for different problems in life. It provides a solution for love marriage and love back. If you are facing any Problem in your life and want to overcome it with the help of astrology. If you want to get dua for marriage istikhara and want to get married then use istikhara dua for marriage online .You are in the right place. Contact our Molvi Ji who is an expert in providing solutions to such issues. For more information visit our website @
Marriage Istikhara
Have you been looking for ways to make your husband love you? If yes, you should start reciting the dua for your husband to love you more. Dua to make my husband love me is the powerful dua for getting love from your partner. Our Molvi Ji will guide you and give you the effective dua to make my husband love me. To know more, you can visit:
Marriage Istikhara
Keep your child safe from illnesses with a special dua. Dua to protect protects the child from Illness, and dua for family health is used to protect your child and family from the harms of sickness. Our dua will heal you, give you the best possible results, and make your family healthy. To know more, you can visit:
Marriage Istikhara
Do you believe in the power of black magic and the Evil Eye? Many people do, and for those who do, it is essential to be aware of how to protect themselves from its dark influence. Dua for protection from evil eye and black magic will give protection against black magic and its power to safeguard you from its adverse effects. To know more, you can visit:
Marriage Istikhara
Do you want to have a happy life with your husband? Then you need to ensure that you are constantly praying for each other. The purpose of this dua is to make a happy life with your husband, specifically designed to bring happiness and joy into your marriage. To know more, you can visit:
Molvi Noor Mohammad
Feel like your husband is drifting away from you? Revive the spark in your relationship with Wazifa for husband love and attention. Get ready to experience an uplifting change in your marriage and reclaim the loving connection you desire. To know more, you can visit:
Molvi Noor Mohammad
"If you suspect your spouse is interested in another woman and intends to leave you for her, you must increase closeness in your relationship.
The wazifa to make husband crazy in love with you will assist you in convincing your spouse to abandon his interest in another woman and return to you. To know more, you can visit: a"
Marriage Dua
If you want to get married soon, then to get an immediate marriage proposal call and solve your problem immediately. Wazifa For Marriage will give you instantly suitable proposals to which you cannot say no. For more details, you can take guidance from our Islamic Scholar and visit our website:
Marriage Dua
Do you want your husband to treat you with the respect and love you deserve? If so, the right wazifa can help. If you want to strengthen your relationship with your significant other, try out our cleverly designed wazifa for husband love and respect. Put an end to making excuses and start appreciating your ideal partner. To know more, you can visit:
Marriage Dua
Are you sick of your partner not taking you seriously or considering what you have to say? Use this effective wazifa for the husband to listen to his wife to command your husband to pay attention to you and you exclusively. This dua will ensure that your husband listens to you and you only. To know more, you can visit:
Ache Rishte Ke Liye Dua- अच्छे रिश्ते के लिए दुआ: Har Dua Ka Asar, Aapke Rishte Ka Intezaar!”, Ache rishte ke liye dua is a powerful prayer that can be used
Nafarman Aulad Ko Farmabardar Banane Ki Dua- नाफरमान औलाद को फरमाबरदार बनाने की दुआ: Aapke Aulad Ki Khushi Ke Liye, Ek Prayas!”, Nafarman Aulad ko Farmabardar Banane
Kala Jadu Tona Se Bachne Ki Dua- काला जादू टोना से बचने की दुआ: A Powerful Protection Against Dark Magic!”, Kala jadu tona, also known as black magic, is a form of supernatural power used to harm or control people.
Experience the Power of Kala Jadu Ka Ilaj – काला जादू का इलाज : Unlock Your Inner Strength!”– Kala jadu ka ilaj is a term used to describe the practice of using spiritual and magical remedies
Molvi Noor Mohammad
Want the most powerful dua for love and attraction? If you want to find true love in life, we suggest you get the dua for love from our Islamic scholar. Our Hazrat Noor Mohammad will help you in finding true love in life with the help of dua and wazifa for love and attraction. You can get the best benefits with the dua for love back if you want to reconcile with your lost lover. With his expert guidance, you can also use this dua to make someone fall in love with you. For more information, you can read this article:
Do you want the wazifa for marriage of own choice? If you want to get married soon, you would want the wazifa for marriage in 3 days. Get the wazifa for getting married soon and the dua for marriage in Islam from our Islamic scholar. Read about how and when the wazifa for marriage with the one you love in this article:
Do you want to understand the meaning of Ya Wadoodo from an Islamic expert? If you want to find out what are the benefits of reciting Ya Wadudu 1000 times for love and marriage, get in touch with our Molvi Ji now. He will help you understand ya wadoodo benefits in detail. If you want to read about the Ya Wadudu meaning, read this article:
Do you want to know how to convince your husband to come back home? Has your husband left you and your children for someone else? Get the wazifa to bring husband back home from our Islamic scholar. He has the best wazifa for husband to come back home to his wife and family. If you want to know the complete process of how to convince your husband to come back, read this article:
Have you performed the istikhara for marriage? Are you waiting for the istikhara marriage signs to appear in your dreams? If you want to understand how to get istikhara signs for marriage in dream, you can contact our Islamic scholar. He will help you understand the meaning and purpose of istikhara for marriage signs. He will also explain how to understand the istikhara signs and how to make decisions according to it. Read the detailed article about istikhara signs:
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