
Tester Teatime (Part 3): Documentation in software projects – eternally unloved

The article series “Tester Tea-Time” covers topics and issues that our testers face every day. This article is dealing with the issue of documentation in day-to-day project work.

Quality Assurance
6 min

Tester Teatime (Part 2): Spelling in applications – anything but trivial

“Tester Teatime” is a blog post format, which addresses topics that testers deal with on a daily basis. The second part of this blog format deals with the questions: What is the connection of spelling and software development and which impact have spelling errors on the usability of an application?

Quality Assurance
4 min

Tester Teatime (Part 1): The myth of “historical software growth” put to the test

“Historical software growth” is often used as an argument when a deviation is found in a piece of software that cannot or should not be corrected immediately. This article shows what this saying actually means and how it can be dealt with professionally and effectively in a project.

Quality Assurance
5 min